Standard Bank shot by Obakeng Molepe

Standard Bank shot by Obakeng Molepe and styled by Bianca Tanchel

Standard Bank SA shot by Obakeng Molepe, styled by Bianca Tanchel, and hair + make up by Mirriam Mathapelo Machucha

with M&C Saatchi Africa 

Photographer: Obakeng Molepe

Producer: Lulama Mabindisa 

Production Assistant: Bareng Molatjane

Lighting Assistant: Themba Mbuyisa

Lighting Assistant: Thato Mabena 

Stylist: Bianca Tanchel 

Stylist Assistant: Sakhile Nkutha

Hair + Make Up: Mirriam Mathapelo Machucha

Art Director: Lameez Milan Davids

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